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THIS R&D and BCIMO are committed to supporting innovative companies and people. We have partnered up to demonstrate the support that R&D tax relief and Patent Box tax relief can offer to the business community. It is estimated that a number of businesses that could be claiming R&D Tax Relief are not doing so. With combined experience of over 40 years, both making and receiving claims, THIS R&D and BCIMO are aiming to change this statistic.
Our presentation will firstly give an insight into the key qualifying expenditure for R&D tax relief, working our way through the following questions. (Please note this will be relevant to any UK Ltd company.)

- What is R&D tax relief?
- What costs qualify?
- How do grants interact with R&D tax relief?
- Claiming R&D tax relief on unsuccessful/ongoing projects.
- Legislation changes.
- Q&A session (break out rooms will be available if needed)
Thereafter, we will delve into Patent Box tax relief. This will be relevant to any business owner who has patented/or is considering patenting their invention in the future. The agenda will run as follows:
- R&D into Patents (making the jump)
- What is Patent Box tax relief ?
- What costs qualify?
- What can I patent?
- Licensing Intellectual Property.
- Q&A session (break out rooms will be available if needed
If you think your business could qualify for R&D or Patent Box tax relief why not book a call with us using the links below